Sleep Apnea Treatment Blog, Snoring Online Chatting

As people grow older, they may develop some sort of snoring problem when sleeping. Some people end up with a more serious condition called sleep apnea, in which a person can completely stop breathing while sleeping - which causes the person to usually wake up momentarily to be able to breathe.

Does your partner mention that you are snoring at night or do you feel exhausted when you wake up? If you wake up with headaches, wake up with a dry mouth, and feel somewhat sleepy during the day - then you may be having some sort of sleep apnea or snoring problem?  If you have a spouse, they will probably notice the snoring and will let you know during the night. We will be discussing snoring and sleep apnea in this local sleep apnea chat discussion online. 

Sleep Apnea Treatment Blog, AI Dental Sleep Discussion with Virtual Dentists, Sleep CPAP Machine Blogging and Snoring Chatting Online

Sleep apnea and snoring conditions affect many people. It is estimated that somewhere around 25-45% of adults snore at some point during the night. Sleep apnea as we will discuss, is an ailment that can cause people to stop breathing at some point during their sleep. For those suffering from sleep apnea, many times they are recommended a CPAP machine to use while sleeping. We will discuss online CPAP machines. People can do live dental chat messaging to get more snoring or dental sleep apnea information online. It is important to get a full medical and dental examination if they feel they are suffering from sleep apnea. We will be blogging about snoring and sleep apnea in this article. Do you want to have a Live Dentist Virtual Consultation about your Sleep Apnea Question or like to Dental Chat about Snoring - then can post your local dental sleep apnea question at to get more information online. 

Common Local Snoring Online Question, AI Snoring Dental Chat Communication

Why do I snore more now as an older adult as compared to when I was younger?  Many people start to gain weight as they get older and lose muscle tone. Around the airways and throat, this can happen as well. Losing muscle tone around the neck can cause this floppy tissue to vibrate when breathing while sleeping. 

A Common Dental Sleep Question or Snoring Inquiry is, "What is Snoring?" or "Why do I Snore while I am Sleeping?"

Snoring is the harsh sound that is generated when air flows past the tissues of your throat when sleeping. As we discussed, loss of muscle tone is a big reason why people snore. As people age, many times the soft palate area becomes more likely to vibrate which causes a snoring sound. Snoring occurs because can not move air freely and easily through your throat and nose while sleeping. Many times it is caused by excess "floppy" tissue or due to loss of muscle tone. Many people go online to find snoring solutions or how to treat their snoring problem. We get asked many local dental snoring questions online at Dentalchat. 

Snoring Treatment Questions Online and Local Snoring Blog

So what to do if notice is snoring more while sleeping. For one, make sure you are in good shape. Obesity is a big factor for people who snore and have sleep apnea. Stop smoking if you are a smoker and try to sleep on your side.  People who sleep on their side tend to snore less. There are many home remedies such as turmeric or honey before going to bed, though these may or may not work.  Also, people should check their nasal septum.

For those with nasal issues, sometimes a nasal strip or something like that may help. As always, it is good to get a full physical check-up with your physician. Some people may choose a medical treatment called somnoplasty to remove some of the soft tissue in the airway region.

Sleep Dentistry and Local AI Dental Sleeping Chatting Online - Using Virtual Sleep Teledental Services

There are many types of sleep treatments and studies being done now. As doctors and dentists realize the importance of sleep and lack of it can hurt people immensely over time. Sleep apnea treatment and lack of sleep treatment are becoming very important. Using Sleep AI Dentistry services to provide more sleeping information online is becoming more relevant. Using Virtual Sleep Dental Care Services via a Live Dentist Video Consultation Services with Teledental technology is now available. 

Sleep Apnea And CPAP 

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing while sleeping repeatedly stops and starts. Individuals who are more at risk of being overweight/ obese. Sleep apnea is more common in men than women. A few symptoms of sleep apnea are; snoring loudly, feeling tired even after a full night's sleep, morning headache, difficulty concentrating, and/or waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat. Most treatments also should include lifestyle changes.

This would include getting on a weight loss regimen and the use of a breathing assistance device at night. This may include a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, and some other sleep apnea devices now available. Some people may want to do surgery and possibly get a tonsillectomy procedure - though, will need to get a thorough medical consult and proper treatment plan to do so.

Online Sleep Apnea Questions Blogging

Lack of proper sleep can cause people to have physical and emotional problems. Some people, due to the lack of appropriate sleep - may end up dozing off during the day. This can be especially dangerous if one does this when driving or doing a dangerous job. Local Sleep Apnea Questions we get asked are, "Does sleep apnea cause me to be more moody," or "Can sleep apnea cause me to have depression?" The dental sleep apnea answer to both of these questions is yes. Lack of good sleep can cause moodiness and for some people, cause a form of depression.


A Common Sleep Apnea Question is, "What is causing my sleep apnea?"

Sleep apnea occurs during your sleep when the throat and tongue muscles are relaxed. The soft tissue can cause the airway to become blocked while sleeping.  This blockage of the airway can be very dangerous. This results in a sleep disorder where your breathing stops and starts throughout the night. This can be dangerous because an individual’s breathing could stop and not start up again.

So, what does being obese or being overweight have to do with sleep apnea? People with excess weight or who are obese, tend to have more excess soft tissue of the mouth and throat. This can affect the airway passage area. 

Obesity and Sleep Apnea - Can obesity cause sleep apnea?

Many studies have shown that for adults with sleep apnea, many times they are very obese.  The airway passage area becomes more condensed with fatty deposits, which in turn puts more pressure on the area. The fatty deposits also cause decreased lung volume - this combination makes it harder to breathe. Of course, not all obese people have sleep apnea. However, it has been shown that it is a major factor in sleep apnea. Of course, skinny people can still have sleep apnea as well.  Interestingly enough, people who get in better shape and become more fit - do show signs of reduced levels of sleep apnea. 

 What is a CPAP Machine?

CPAP stands for Continuous positive airway pressure, this method of therapy is a common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. A CPAP machine uses a hose and mask or nosepiece to deliver constant and steady air pressure. For people with sleep apnea, having this constant air / helping breathing constantly while sleeping is important. Many times, people with sleep apnea, at times - for a very short period do not breathe in air & which can make the person wake up shortly.

CPAP Machine Cleaning 

Keeping the CPAP machine clean is important and can be a little bit challenging for some. Now, some research has found - that by using UV light and activated oxygen or by using some kind of sanitizing solution to clean out the machine and tubes.

Live Virtual Teledental CPAP AI Discussion - Common Problems with CPAP Machine 

A decent number of people who start wearing the CPAP machine have problems falling asleep due to feeling claustrophobic from trying to sleep with the mask. This many times is one of the biggest challenges people have with the CPAP machine. Many people are asking virtual CPAP and sleep apnea questions online with Dentalchat and Teledental service platforms. AI Dentistry and Live Dentists Chat with us to get more sleep apnea information online. 

Cons of CPAP

A CPAP machine, hose, and mask that are not well maintained can lead to bronchitis, respiratory and sinus infections as well as pneumonia.

Other CPAP problems can include the CPAP mask being leaky, trouble falling asleep, a stuffy nose, and having a dry mouth. 

Live AI Dentist Snoring Online Messaging, Live Sleep Apnea Question Answers and Sleep Apnea Consulting - Local Teledentistry Sleep Discussion and Live Teledental Sleep Apnea Suggestions

People can do an AI DENTAL CHAT with LIVE DENTISTS ONLINE about various dental care concerns. We are at Dentalchat providing virtual dental chat consulting and messaging. Of course, people still need to go to their dentist and physician for a full examination and treatment of their sleep disorders. 

Natural remedies for sleep apnea 

Although the CPAP works as a device to help with sleep apnea, the probable cons that come with it might make you strive for different solutions. Here are some dental solutions to consider, which may or may not work. Like any type of health care solution, one size does not fit all. Taking some basic steps such as eating better, may possibly lead to some good results. 

1.  Maintain a healthy weight

As we have discussed, being obese is a big factor in developing sleep apnea. Doctors commonly recommend people with sleep apnea lose weight by staying fit and eating. Many studies have shown obesity and sleep problems sometimes can go hand-in-hand.  Upper body obesity, for example, can increase the risk of airway blocking or airway obstruction,  which can narrow nasal passages and complicate breathing. These types of nasal and airway obstructions can cause you to suddenly stop breathing for small lengths of time while sleeping, which can be dangerous. 

2.  Doing regular exercise and yoga.

By exercising regularly, you can increase your energy level, strengthen your heart, and possibly decrease the level of sleep apnea. One type of exercise that has helped people is yoga. People who do yoga correctly, have been shown to possibly improve respiratory strength levels and encourage better oxygen flow.

3.  Alter your sleep position.

The way you sleep. Sometimes a small change of altering your sleep position can possibly reduce sleep apnea symptoms and improve your night’s rest quite a bit.  There are some studies that have shown that more than half of obstructive sleep apnea cases may be dependent on the sleep position.

4.  Use a humidifier.

Some people need humidifier therapy. What is a humidifier? These are devices that simply add moisture to the air. For some people, dry air can irritate the body and the respiratory system. Using a humidifier can hopefully open your airways, decrease congestion, and encourage clearer breathing.

5.  Avoid alcohol and smoking.

Lifestyle changes can improve your health and encourage better sleeping habits. Those who do smoke should consider quitting. It has been shown that smoking can have adverse effects on those suffering from sleep apnea. Reducing or quitting alcohol may also help to reduce sleep apnea complications.

Why alcohol - what does that have to do with sleep apnea? Consuming alcohol can relax the throat muscles, which in turn controls your breathing. This can lead some people to snore, restless sleep characterized by an interrupted sleep cycle. It can also lead to inflammation in your airways, blocking your airflow.

Smoking can cause inflammation. Smoking tobacco can contribute to inflammation and swelling in your airways. This can worsen your snoring and your sleep apnea.

6.  Use Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea Treatment

Oral appliances can help with sleep apnea by repositioning your jaw or tongue to keep your airway open while you sleep.

There are a couple types of oral devices for this. The two major categories include mandibular advancement devices and tongue-stabilizing devices. The tongue stabilizing device (TSD), works similarly to a baby pacifier, by holding the tongue lightly while sleeping.

The mandibular advancement devices (MAD) work by moving your lower jaw or tongue forward to decrease the obstruction in the back of your throat. The MAD devices are like a mouth guard and go into both the upper maxillary & lower mandibular arch - and have a metal hinge that pushes the lower jaw slightly forward.

These appliances range from a low-cost, over-the-counter (OTC) option to devices that are custom-fit by a dentist. Having your local dentist do this, is a better choice - though, it may cost more? Live Sleep Apnea Question Chatting Online with us.  Have a Sleep Apnea Question - Post Your Snoring Questions Online at DentalChat.

Why is good sleep important for you?

Good sleep is extremely vital for your overall physical health, as well as emotional stability. Sleep is involved in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to many health problems. This can include an increased risk of heart disease, a higher possibility of kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and possible stroke. Getting good sleep, especially the REM portion of deep sleep is very important -for children and adults. A good night's rest & sleep can do wonders for your physical & emotional well-being. 

Summary:  Live Sleep Apnea Question Answers, Online Snoring Virtual Dentistry Consulting, and Sleep Ailment Information Discussion

As we discussed, snoring and sleep apnea can be treated in various ways, such as with a CPAP machine. Sleep apnea needs to be monitored by a dentist and/or physician, who has expertise in this field. Patients should get a complete medical and sleep examination, to know more about what is going on. There is virtual Teledental information and AI Dentistry Chat with Live Dentists at Dentalchat.  Get live sleep apnea question answers, online snoring information, and more with us.